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Companies UK Companies in the state of Worcestershire
Cataloxy Pershore...Companies in PershoreTransport & LogisticsMeans of transportMotor vehicle washing equipment and servicesSimon Clewes & Company Ltd - Private Limited

Simon Clewes & Company Ltd


PAC Collars are leading UK suppliers of safe high quality electric dog collars, including the new advanced electric remote controlled dog collars

Owning and training a dog is a wonderful and satisfying experience, and when all things go to plan harmony is reached between both dog and human, but when problems arise that partnership can quickly dissolve into a battle of wills and the owner is soon left feeling frustrated, worried and in desperate need of help.
This is when many people call PAC Collars. Over the years we have heard it all, from recall problems to car chasing, faeces eating to food stealing, running in on the sheep to  picking up someone else’s bird! The list goes on and on and as for running away from home these Houdini’s of the dog world get more inventive every day.
We at PAC dog training Collars are here, ready to listen to you and offer advice and guidance; we will talk you through all the features and benefits of the various PAC dog training collar systems and PAC electronic fence systems. We’ll explain their uses and how PAC dog training systems could solve your dog training and or dog containment problems.
We have gained a wealth of dog training experience over many years. We understand the needs of owners of pet dogs, working dogs, gun dogs and even birds of prey. Give us a call on 0800 781 2899 and let us help with your dog training needs.

Don't forget that the most detailed information about Simon Clewes & Company Ltd in Pershore you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone

Company size: 1-10 employees

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* When you call don't forget to inform that you've found the contact in Cataloxy
 Address: 1 Willincroft Cottages, (Pinvin)
WR10 2, Pershore, Worcestershire

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